Thursday, December 27, 2012


Evolve, Extort and Battalion

Xmas loot
Steam Sale and Humble Bundle

Top Games of 2012
Amazing Spiderman 700
Best movies 2012
I roasted a pig for my birthday

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


No idea
The best tweets of 2012.  The last one is a doozey

Humble Indie Bundle 7.

Penny Arcade Card Game on iOS

Who saw the Hobbit
Mention - Podcasts who mention us
                The blogs
 How did you survive the Mayan Apocolypse
Hey its Xmas

Monday, December 10, 2012



Instead of Magic, lets talk about Amish Mafia.
More gifts!
"Controversy" over   Bioshock cover
She-Ra Comic
The Hobbit!
The Apocalpse is upon us!  What would you bring into my kyrptonian reinforced bunker?

Make sure to mention the blog stuff!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

E50 is hiring a grpahic designer

The Pope on Twitter

Fake lottery ticket facebook share
would say is dumb but i like.  Programmable c-lo glasses
I bought Angry Birds Space
Pooping in the bathroom
BSG: Blood and Chrome

Walking Dead.  i watched it

A story from Licoln

 The Farting Carver. (via William Herndon): "Well there was a party once, not far from here, which was composed of ladies and gentlemen. A fine table was set and the people were greatly enjoying themselves. Among the crowd was one of those men who had audacity -- was quick-witted, cheeky and self-possessed -- never off his guard on any occasion. After the men and women had enjoyed themselves by dancing, promenading, flirting, etc., they were told that the table was set. The man of audacity -- quick-witted, self-possessed and equal to all occasions -- was put at the head of the table to carve the turkeys, chickens and pigs. The men and women surrounded the table, and the audacious man being chosen carver whetted his great carving knife with the steel and got down to business & commenced carving the turkey, but he expended too much force & let a fart -- a loud fart so that all the people heard it distinctly. As a matter of course it shocked all terribly. A deep silence reigned. However the audacious man was cool and entirely self-possessed; he was curiously and keenly watched by those who knew him well, they suspecting that he would recover in the end and acquit himself with glory. The man, with a kind of sublime audacity, pulled off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, put his coat deliberately on a chair, spat on his hands, took his position at the head of the table, picked up the carving knife and whetted it again, never cracking a smile nor moving a muscle of his face. It now became a wonder in the minds of all the men and women how the fellow was to get out of his dilemma. He squared himself and said loudly & distinctly: "Now, by God, I'll see if I can't cut up this turkey without farting."

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

E 49

Power 9 in Online cube
 Can somone repost that 200 best video games

Also crazy good Humble Indie THQ Bundle

The Thor link Steph posted

The Hobbit.  Lets talk about it
Nuke the moon

Your a misc

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Episode 47

Dragon's Maze.  Bad Title or Worst Title?
Get rid of penmanship
Table becomes keyboard for Iphone

Should we acknowledge Call of Duty Black Ops II?  I have little to no interest.
Ok this isnt a book, but I found it interesting and I don't have anything for Book.  Thank Ben

Has everyone seen Wreck It Ralph?  Also Hobbit incoming, and Skyfall,,20483133_20302680,00.html?stitched
Top 20 Animated Movies

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Episode 45

People killed for Magic cards; more in our ongoing series that magic is played by the worst people

Top inventions of the year


Geoff Maps
National Novel Writting Month
National Game Design Month

Star Wars bought by Disney

Movember - whose doing it