Thursday, October 25, 2012

Episode 44

Pro Tour?

A jacket that hugs you when you get a Facebook like

A headband that wags a tail for you when you are happy

What would you do with the mind reading headband?  Make ham sandwiches pop out of a cavity when you are hungry?

I beat Dishonored, and I bought X-Com.  It is FUCKING HARD

I read Sanderson's two new novellas, Legion and the Emperors Soul.  Both are really good.

I wanna know why Gunpowder doesn't Work

Superman becomes a blogger (thxs Geoff)

7 Psycopaths was good

We have a new fan to call out, Donnie

I am now a technically a published author.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Episode 43: Its not late, I'm just lazy

Episode 43

Got nothing for magic 

Planet on Alpha Centari, our nearest neighbor star, found.  Feasible to eventually get there at sublight

I beat Dishonored.  I liked it, but not a lot.

Also, Shade, do you know anything about this Injustice: Gods Among Us game?

Art Heists are in the news today!  What would you steal?  What heists have you been on?

I read Sanderson's novella Legion.  Very short, but very good, and not in Sanderson usual fantasy setting.

Also I want to know more as to why Gunpowder doesnt Work

Tyler Perry was in an action movie?

Some dude made it to level 90 in WoW without killing anything

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Episode 42 Package

Episode 42!!! 42!!! 42!!
Magic Fantasy Modern Draft.  Do it.  Its easy and better than sportsball

Facebook hits 1 billion
1 billion facebook
The ad for facebook

Private space shuttle

Bravo is putting out a Silicon Valley show.  It will be terrible.

Dishonored!  I'm playing it!

The D&DNext playtest package is out.  I'm very meh about it.

The Humble eBook bundle is going on.  Pay what you want, get some quality eBooks.

I saw Looper.  I have crazy time travel questions.  Like what would you do if it turns out you were actually Bruce Willis in the future.
Real life mousetrap
Worst sounds in the world